September 19, 2024

Trump Reacts To ‘Birdbrain’ Nikki Haley’s Dumpster Fire Of A Campaign: ‘She’s Not A Serious Candidate’

On Wednesday, leading 2024 presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump slammed former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R-SC) for failing to qualify for the Indiana ballot due to not getting enough petition signatures as “not a serious candidate.” In a post on his top-rated social media platform, Truth Social, Trump wrote, “Nikki Haley is not on the Ballot in Indiana because she didn’t get enough Petition Signatures—She missed the deadline! If she’s not on in Indiana, she’s not a serious Candidate. ‘You can’t miss Indiana, and say you’re running for President,’ said future Senator of Indiana, Jim Banks.”

Her lack of ballot access in the Hoosier State comes as some claim that Haley is constitutionally unqualified to be president. Nikki Haley’s parents were not U.S. citizens when she was born in 1972, which raises questions about her eligibility. Law Clerk Paul Ingrassia argues that the Constitution only allows “natural born citizens” of the United States to assume the presidency or the vice presidency. Ingrassia cites Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, which reads, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

In Iowa’s caucus, Trump made history as the first-ever Republican or Democrat presidential candidate to win the Iowa caucuses with a majority of the vote despite below-freezing temperatures. The last time a candidate came close to winning the majority was in the 1984 Democrat caucus when Walter F. Mondale won 49 percent of the vote. Even the mainstream media’s polls now show Trump beating President Joe Biden by a landslide.

During the New Hampshire primary, the 45th president achieved a historic milestone as the first non-incumbent Republican in the modern era to secure victories in both the initial two presidential nominating contests. This accomplishment followed his decisive win in the Iowa caucuses the previous week, propelling him closer to a potential rematch with President Joe Biden.

“American’s for NO Prosperity just said that Nikki’ Birdbrain’ Haley has a steep hill to climb, almost no chance of beating ‘TRUMP.’ I could have told you that a long time ago,” Trump wrote in another Truth Social post.

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